Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Day, Schmo Day

So today we had another Snow Day here on PEI. This is the second snow day this semester. I loved that I got to get up and shovel a relatively decent amount of snow this morning. It took me a little over a half hour to shovel the drive-way and clean off the cars. I have to admit that I am a bit of a freak in nature because I love shoveling snow. It's one of my simple pleasures in life. I love waking up early in the morning, looking out the window and seeing a dump-load of snow out there, just waiting to be moved around. You get to go outside, work up a little of a sweat, wave at the neighbours who are also out there moving the white stuff around. It's just great.

I've been going to school here for 3 winters now, and every year I am shocked at the amount of snow that it takes to close everything down. It's quite ridiculous. In all my years of going to school, I only remember one snow day in BC. I was in elementary school...can't remember what grade...and I think we got about a foot and a half overnight, and the only reason they decided to cancel school was because it had happened right before dawn so the plows weren't able to clear the roads in time. I do remember one day though when we had a particularly giant snowfall and the schoolbus got stuck on the way to school. This was before the new highway had been built in Trail, and the highway still went all down and through Cominco, and we got stuck up in the Cominco area. I think it took about 2 hours to get the bus out. We still went to school though after they towed us out of the snowbank. It's funny the things we remember.

I have a love/hate relationship with PEI Snow Days though. On one hand, I get to do extra things around the house that normally get overlooked the rest of the semester because I'm just too busy or lazy to get it done (like clean the bathroom! Needless to say, it's shimmering right now.) Plus it gives me the notion that there is tons of extra time to catch up on my school work and get all my assignments and studying done. This always makes me feel optimistic! Plus, I always have the time to get a good workout in which is enjoyable. Now the hate aspect of Snow Days. I actually don't ever catch up on my school work and I don't get all of my assignments and studying done because I end up slacking the day away! Like take this very second as an example. I am writing in my blog instead of doing school work. What a slacker! The other thing I don't like about Snow Days is that classes get cancelled which means that we are always playing catch-up the rest of the semester, trying to make up for that missed day (or days). Plus today is the one day of the week I really enjoy in terms of classes. Dietary Behaviour and Foods lab. Good times at UPEI on Wednesdays.

Last night I got the chance to go out with some friends, and I jumped at the opportunity. Spending hour after hour, day after day in my little jail cell bedroom, one can start to lose their mind a little bit. Tuesdays are 25 cent wing night at Hunters, and some people from work and some of Chris's friends were all going, so I tagged along. It was nice to see everyone and have real conversations. Plus I tried a beer that I have never had before, and it was quite delicious. I was sad that they don't have Keiths on tap there (what kind of bar in the Maritimes doesn't have Keiths on tap??? Seriously??), but this was tasty, therefore everything turned out alright. All is well once again.

1 comment:

  1. it is going to be a real shock to your system when you get home this weekend. there is no snow in my yard, none in your parents i dont think. yesterday afternoon it was 11 degrees! it has been a lovely winter. i could seriously get used to this. i will agree, shoveling snow is okay, kinda fun....once.. :D

    have a safe trip !
