Friday, March 12, 2010

I Heart Cows

I am very happy that the weekend is finally here. Friday mornings are always such a relief because I only have one class on Fridays, and it's my favourite class, which makes it all the much easier to get up to go to. Plus the weather here has just been amazing the past week or so; sunshine and lollipops everyday makes walking to campus so much more pleasant. I have a really busy day ahead of me actually, but I am looking forward to it. After class I am hanging around campus so that I can be a foods lab tester, sometime around 3ish I'm guessing. Then I have to head back to the house and prepare a Thai noodle salad for the sushi party/potluck that I'm going to tonight. After that I have to run back to campus because I'm volunteering for the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life. I'll basically be just sitting in a booth for a couple of hours, talking to people about eating healthy. Should be fun to watch people running around in circles for hours on end. Maybe I'll run a few myself if I'm feeling motivated enough.

Tip of the day: Motivation can be tough to find, but it's in there somewhere. Just dip deep enough, pull it out and rock it!

I was the hugest slacker yesterday than I have been all semester. I didn't do any homework when I got home from school. Did my work-out, showered, had some dinner... this was the point in which I would normally do homework, but then I decided to make a giant apple crisp instead and do some prep for the salad I'm making for tonight. By then, Chris showed up and I figured there was no point in attempting to get any work done at that point. We watched a movie called "Fast Food Nation", which was a story about a fictional, major fast-food chain in the USA, and it was just how this company ran these people's lives and also messed up everyone's lives as well. Plus, the movie did an excellent job at grossing out both myself and the point where I had to close my eyes in one scene (if anyone has ever seen it, you'll know the scene when you see it). I actually almost broke down crying at that scene because of the music, and just the overwhelmingness of it. I actually stopped eat cow when I was 12 years old, due to this little guy, Normal the cow. The cutest, most adorable little cow who starred in the movie City Slickers. How could someone ever eat that little guy??

The movie came out quite a few years ago, and I heard lots about, but just never rented it due to the fact that I rent about 2 movies a year. Plus it wasn't a hugely high-grossing film so it's not easy to find in most movie stores anyway. All I have to say it, if you don't eat fast-food and want a reminder as to why you don't, watch this film. Or, if you eat fast-food and don't want to eat it again, or at least for a very very long time, watch this film. If you have any soul at all, this movie will get to you in one way or another.

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